A note from William Mc Clelland
I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but the director emeritus and mentor of the Lakewood Senior Players, Lynn Geyer, passed away on Monday morning. She had been in the ICU at Allenmore for a couple of weeks before her passing. We are all deeply saddened but she will be remembered!
Swimming Upstream
July 2019 Program List
Here are the Program notes Bill McClelland supplied us with for this show.
1. Introduction
Dorothy Wilhelm
2. Interview with Bill
Bill: Well, Dorothy, the troupe is all warmed up and ready to go. Since it is summer, a lot of kids have gone off to camp. A tradition there is the scary story around the campfire. Let’s see how this one works. The sketch is called “It’s Coming”. It stars Judy Ashley as the narrator, and Bill McClelland as the storytelling camp counselor.
3. It’s Coming
Narrator: Judy Counselor: Bill Campers: All
Bill: Ok, maybe not the most scary story. Now we want to back up in time a bit and have a little girl tell us what she learned in school. This sketch is called “Get the Whole Story”. Lilyiann Caswell-Isley is little Mary, Joyce Moody is her mother, Loren Donahue is Mr. Graham, the principal, and Judy Ashley is her teacher, Mrs. Johnson. Pat Foran narrates our tale.
4. Get the Whole Story
Narrator: Pat Mary: Lilyian Mother: Joyce
Mr. Graham: Loren Mrs. Johnson: Judy
Bill: It seems that sometimes a few simple questions can stave off bigger problems, take a hint moms and dads.
Over the summer vacation, children can certainly get into some big trouble. Let’s see what this child is up to with a parent’s cell phone. It’s called “Where Are You?” and stars Lilyian Caswell-Isley as the narrator, Pat Foran as our telemarketer and Bill McClelland as the child taking the call.
5. Where Are You?
Narrator: Lilyiann Telemarketer: Pat Child: Bill
Bill: Ok, enough with the children stealing the spotlight. We go from kids at the beginning of life to a couple dealing with the end of life. Aunt Edna and Uncle Jack discuss “The Doilies”, our final sketch today. Our narrator is: Joyce Moody, Uncle Jack is played by Loren Donahue, with Lilyian Caswell-Isley as Aunt Edna. Let’s see who gets a surprise.
6. The Doilies
Narrator: Joyce Uncle Jack: Loren
Aunt Edna: Lilyian
Bill: That was great! A big thanks to all our players. So as we close, our players will introduce themselves and give a very brief overview of their summers.
7. Finale Judy/Pat/Lilyian/Joyce/Loren/Bill 8. Close Dorothy Wilhelm
The podcast itself is not unusual. There are, according to Burberry research, roughly 540,000 podcast titles today and the number rises by about 2,000 every week. However, most of those podcasts don’t make it past the 6th episode. Swimming Upstream is in its 5th year. We’ve been recording at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center for nearly four years.
Over the years, regular shows have develop, like the Lakewood Senior Radio Players who do old fashioned radio skits every other month. They’ll record next in September amd they do welcome an audience. Another regular spot belongs to Generation Gap where co-host Raymond Still (age 27) joins me for a session, as Rays says, of seeing the different generations through each other’s eyes.
Another favorite has been Lincoln and the Judge which features Lincoln impersonator Michael Krebs and Washington State Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Guy, Retired. These two have conversations about how President Lincoln would see today’s events.
A recent guest was Ronald Frederick who is the son of the last of the famous ‘60’s Octopus Wrestlers. He joined us on Swimming Upstream to tell about his experiences while diving with his father and afterward sent this note to me, “During our recent conversations . . .you have inspired me to keep active and moving during my retirement because as you said, ‘if you stop moving, They will throw dirt on you’ As such, I have been persuaded to run for Mayor of DuPont.” At this writing, Ron is indeed running for Mayor. We never know how far our reach will be or who we’ll touch. It’s pretty fun.
Internet radio is very different from conventional broadcasting, as it was when I started as the Creative Living expert on KIRO radio and TV in 1989. Now the magic is all done with the computer, and the production expertise of the long suffering Producer/engineer/guru Joe Dobzynski in Sarasota, FL. Who then handles post-production and distribution. It’s magic. We’re a good working team – but we’ve never met in person.
Amanatee Radio Ear handles more than 300 shows including ours, according to Producer Joe Dobzynski, and you can hear them at any time, on any device, including your grandson’s X-box.
Amanatee Group LLC has been designing niche radio stations since 2005 and has grown its audience in over 148+ countries as well as local niche markets.
Available on Aha Radio, Radio Ear Network, Tune-In, ITunes, Bose Sound Systems radios, 2013 or newer car radios, Apple Car Play, 148 countries, National and Local Internets, all mobile devices, and we keep adding. There are over 450 directories where shows can be heard.
And all of that is available right here at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center on the Fourth Friday of every month from 9:00 to 12:00. Stop in. Ask questions. If there’s someone you’d like to hear from, just let me know: 1800 548-9264 or Dorothy@itsnevertoolate.com.
So join us any time. You’re welcome to be part of the show when we record or listen anytime. Right this minute. Just turn on your laptop, or your mobile phone, or whatever you have laying around. Go to Itsnevertoolate.com and you’ll see all of the shows since the world began at the lower right of the page. Or go to SOBradionetwosrk.com/ Remember SOB stands for “spunky old broads” and all the hosts are women over 50.
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